Andréi Nakov in Tashkent when he was president of the Biennale of Contemporary Art in 2005
The art historian Andrei Nakov has published numerous theoretical studies, monographs and exhibition catalogues on the Russian avant-garde, Futurism, Dada, Constructivism, contemporary art and European abstract art.
Since the publication of his critical edition of the writings of Malewicz (Malevich)* by Champ Libre, Paris 1975, he has engaged in research on the work of this artist and his Suprematist group « Unovis ». He has published many studies devoted to this subject, the last of them being Kazimir Malewicz - Catalogue raisonné (Adam Biro, 2002) and a 4-volume monograph Kazimir Malewicz, le peintre absolu produced in April 2007 by Thalia édition, Paris.
Andrei Nakov's works have been translated in many countries, including Russia.
* Since the publication of his Catalogue raisonné in 2002 Andrei Nakov has reestablished in his publications the original latin spelling of the artist's name and also established his correct birth date, which is 1879 (and not 1878). For more detailed explanation please refer to the introduction of Kazimir Malewicz, Catalogue raisonné, Paris 2002, as well as to vol. IV of Kazimir Malewicz, le peintre absolu, Thalia édition, Paris, 2007.
Alexandra Exter
Georges Papazoff, Franc-tireur du surréalisme
Éditions de la Connaissance, Bruxelles
Malévitch – Écrits, Prologue
Éditions Champ Libre, Paris
L’avant-garde russe
Éditions Fernand Hazan, Paris
Mikhail Larionov : La voie vers l’abstraction
Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
Kazimir Malewicz, Catalogue raisonné
Éditions Adam Biro, Paris
Kasimir Malévitch, Aux avant-gardes de l’art moderne
collection Découvertes, Gallimard, Paris
Kazimir Malewicz : le peintre absolu
Quatre volumes, Thalia édition, Paris
Kazimir Malevic Scritti A cura di Andréi Nakov
Éd. Mimesis, Milano
Kandinsky, l’énigme du premier tableau abstrait
IRSA Publishing, Cracovie
L’aube de l’abstraction :
Russie 1914-1923
5 Continents Edition
Les Reliefs de Tatline, du cubisme à l'abstraction
IRSA Publishing, Cracovie
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